Thursday 5 July 2012

Types of Diabetes-Type 2 and Gestational

Type 2 Diabetes

Type 2 diabetes occurs when the body cannot utilize insulin effectively even though sufficient amounts of insulin are produced. Hence, the pancreas tries to overcome this resistance by secreting more and more insulin. People with insulin resistance develop type 2 diabetes when they fail to secrete enough insulin to cope with their higher demands. This disease usually develops in middle age, and is heavily dependent on lifestyle factors.

Some causes of Type 2 Diabetes

1. Genetics
Similar to Type 1 Diabetes, genetics play a part in causing Type 2 Diabetes.

2. Age

People who are 45 years and above have a higher risk of getting Type 2 Diabetes, because cells age and they deteriorate and lose their function over time.

3. Obesity
Overnutrition is believed to create endoplasmic reticulum stress, which reduces the response of insulin receptors to insulin temporarily, so that the endoplasmic reticulum is able to catch up with its workload. However, obesity creates a continuous state of overnutrition, so over a period of time, insulin resistance is developed. This is just a theory of how obesity causes diabetes, but it has not been proven yet.


Often, people with Type 2 Diabetes may not show any symptoms for many years as the disease is slow-developing. The symptoms they will display are similar to those seen in Type 1 Diabetics.

Early symptoms may include,similarly: 
-Bladder, kidney, skin, or other infections that are more frequent or heal slowly
-Increased thirst.
-Blurred Vision
-Erectile Dysfunction
-Pain or numbness in the feet or hands

Diagnosis and Prevention

Since most cases of type 2 diabetes is a result of obesity, overweight people who have no symptoms of diabetes should go for regular diabetes screenings, and urine and blood sugar level tests.


For type 2 diabetics, exercise and a monitored diet are the main approaches used to control diabetes. Medication in the form of drugs and insulin is also administered when dieting and exercising alone are not able to control the blood sugar level.

Gestational Diabetes

Gestational diabetes is a temporary condition of high blood sugar which develops anytime during pregnancy in a woman who does not originally have diabetes.
During pregnancy, hormonal changes causes cells to be less responsive to insulin. Although the body may produce more insulin, the insulin production may not be able to meet the high demand and therefore result in high glucose levels.

Usually, women with gestational diabetes don’t remain diabetic once pregnancy is over, BUT have a higher chance of contracting diabetes.


  1. (2010). Gestational diabetes. In Retrieved from
  2. Michelle, J. (n.d.). How does obesity cause diabetes?. Retrieved from
  3. Eckman, A. S. (2011, June 28). Type 2 diabetes. Retrieved from
  4. Chandler, S. (2010, January 25). Factors that contribute to diabetes. Retrieved from
  5. What is type 2 diabetes?. (n.d.). Retrieved from
  6. Gestational diabetes test. (2012, January 28). Retrieved from


  1. Is there anyway to find out if the diabetes in a patient is type 1 or type 2? Is the any difference in these 2 diabetes' treatment/ cure? :)

    1. Yup! There are many tests that can be carried out to determine the type of Diabetes, for example Ketone testing, Antibody testing, and Uric acid testing.

      Regarding cures, there is currently no cure for diabetes. For treatment, there is a difference as both Types occur due to different reasons.
      Type 1 Diabetics will rely heavily on insulin since that is the hormone that they lack, while Type 2 Diabetics can be treated with other kinds of medication(Which may include insulin), coupled with a controlled diet and exercise.

  2. Will the Gestational diabetes affect the baby in the womb other than putting on extra weight? :)

    1. In most cases, nope!

      But there are some potential risks. The baby may have hyperglycemia(low blood sugar), Jaundice, trouble breathing, or low mineral levels in the blood. Still, all these problems can be treated so there are no major problems. (:
