Thursday 5 July 2012

Diabetes.. Then?

Diabetic Complications

Diabetes can result in many severe complications due to the implications of long term hyperglycemia. Complications include:
Eye problems, such as trouble seeing at night and sensitivity to light. Blindness may eventually occur.


Sores and infections on feet and skin. If it goes on too long, the foot or leg may need to be amputated. Infection can also cause pain and itching in other areas.

Due to Diabetes, blood pressure and cholesterol levels may be harder to control. This can lead to heart attack, stroke, and other problems. It can become harder for blood to flow to the legs and feet.

Damage to the nerves, causing pain, tingling, and loss of feeling.

High blood sugar and other problems can lead to kidney damage. They might not work as well and may even stop working.

Generally, these complications are a result of damage done to blood vessels, catagorized into  Microvascular(relating to damage to the small blood vessels) and Macrovascular(relating to damage to arteries) Complications. 

Preventing such Complications

In order to prevent complications, it is very important to keep blood sugar, blood pressure, and cholesterol level in a healthy range.

This will include having a proper diet, exercise, and sometimes medicines. Blood sugar should be checked daily. These will help to keep complications of diabetes away.

However, many diabetics may not have the chance to do so, especially in Type 2 Diabetes as organ damage may already be present at the time of diagnosis. 

Take a look at this interesting video and learn more about complications of Type 2 Diabetes!

1. Dugdale, D. C. (11, November 2010). Long term complications of diabetes. Retrieved from

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